
1. Circular – Economy for electrical system

Systemic approach using different levers:

  • Reusing, Sharing or Leasing
  • Recycling, Repairing or Refurbishing » Recycling» Eco-design
  • Life Cycle Assessment

2. Electrical Grid Reliability & resiliency

Review the potential energy efficiency improvement:

  • Digital Twin
  • Energy sources and Energy storage
  • Prevention and management of outages
  • Superconductors

3. Re-industrialization for electrical products

Challenges and opportunities to strengthen and develop industry by:

  • Redesigning products
  • New processes or sourcing
  • Access to strategic Materials and components
  • Sustainability

4. Electrical Energy Efficiency

Review the potential energy efficiency improvement:

  • The economic potential of loss-saving
  • Barriers and incentives to minimize losses
  • Considering the losses in the network design
  • Sustainability

5. Security & safety of electrical systems

How to insure availability and key functions of electrical sytems:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Diversification of energy supply
  • Natural risks ( seism,..)
  • Emergency management
  • Quality of life vs security & safety




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